a shingle-style retirement home, our clients
agreed to consider something less
traditional, perhaps more modern, even
unusual. The house sits on a narrow shelf
parallel to the water, nestled under large
pines. The staggered linear plan responds to
the shelf, the water’s edge, and the sun.
The open main level presents kitchen,
dining, and living spaces. A guest suite,
study, and several screened porches complete
the public domain, except for the lap pool:
its slate-shingled, battered wall “retains”
the slope, and oversized glazed doors face
the water.
The orthogonal plan is counterposed by the
curved, ribcage-like ceiling. Interiors are
clean and clear; natural materials (wood,
slate, flagstone, bluestone) are used not in
typical rustic ways, but as distilled iconic
photos: Brian Vanden Brink